You Are Mission Projects Fellowship!
While the Board of Directors is charged with the responsibility of prayerfully choosing the projects and channeling the funds received, it is donors like you who are the heart and soul of MPF. The gifts of many people carry on this ministry. You can become a part of MPF by giving online or mailing your tax deductible gift in any amount to the address at the bottom of this page. Obviously, financial support is the backbone of this work, but every bit as important is the network of prayer warriors who regularly pray for the Board, the projects and the missionaries that are aided by this ministry. Even if you are unable to support MPF financially, we covet your prayer support.
One Hundred Percent (100%)
To date, MPF has provided funds for more than 550 projects, in approximately 50 countries, to nearly 30 mission agencies and organizations; totaling more than $4 million dollars – all from a prayer meeting held in someone’s home many years ago.
Although there have never been salaries or expenses paid to Board members, the MPF Board of Directors has prayerfully committed themselves to underwriting the cost of all operating expenses, such as printing, mailing and Internet, by their own gifts to MPF. All monies contributed by those who desire to have a part in this ministry is used 100% toward the funding of projects.
You Can Help By Becoming a Supporter